The building was erected by Zion Aharonovitch in 1930’s, in the northern part of Rothschild Blvd., at the corner of Bar Ilan St. Architect Yitzhak Rappaport designed the residential building based on International Style principles. Upon completion, the building was sold to Nahum Yoelson, whose heirs retain ownership today. In 2003 UNESCO declared the White City of Tel Aviv a world heritage site of the modern movement in architecture. The building was included in the declaration and stringent conditions were determined for its conservation.
Over the years, this building underwent few initiated changes yet retained its original appearance. Except for the wear caused by time and neglect, the façades remained largely as were originally. The structure is comprised of 3 recessed volumes, has two stairwells with a “thermometer” window running along their entire length, as well as open balconies facing the street.
Following detailed documentation of the building’s history and architectural characteristics, conservation work sincludes: renovation and upgrading of the existing apartments; preservation of the façades and stairwells; adding elevators adjacent to the stairways for accesibility; and installation of wood and metal details, restored similarly to the original items of the building. In addition, an automatic underground parking lot was planned under the front courtyard.